SoftWright Maintenance Subscription Features

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The Maintenance Subscription plan for your SoftWright LLC software enables you to take advantage of new software enhancements as soon as they are released by downloading the current Maintenance Release from our web site.   (Fixes for software problems or bugs are available to all licensed users, regardless of Maintenance Subscription status.  For information on available bug fixes, see the TAP Release Notes.)

All enhancements added to the software during the period of your Maintenance Subscription will be automatically enabled on your system. If your Maintenance Subscription expires, those features will still be enabled in your software, but new functionality or enhancements will not be available until your Maintenance Subscription is renewed.  Additional information may be available in the Recent FAQs article.

The following chronological list shows the current catalog of software changes and the effective date for each one. If your Maintenance Subscription Expiration Date (displayed on your TAP Help-About form) is later than the date for a particular feature, that feature will be available as soon as you download and install the current Maintenance Release from our web site.  The Effective Release column in the table indicates the release which first implemented the feature.

If a software feature has an effective date after your Maintenance Subscription expiration, you can obtain access to that feature by renewing your Maintenance Subscription.

Effective Date

Effective Release

Added Features

3/31/2013 2513 Feature Target Studies in HDCoverage
2/28/2013 2512 Linear Range Scale in HDMapper
11/28/2012 2506 AutoCoverage supports WGS84 datum
10/13/2012 2504 In HDMapper - "Package all files" lets you choose which layers to export
8/31/2012 2467 Range Circles in HDMapper
5/31/2012 2460 Target Point studies in AutoCoverage
5/31/2012 2457 Load level settings with Task layers in HDMapper
3/31/2012 2449 Execute intermod study from tree list on main menu
2/29/2012 2437 Adjacent Channel Interference Study
2/29/2012 2436 Google Earth Path Marker
2/29/2012 2435 Alternate Pop Count Data Fields

Updated NED topographic elevation data in .FLT format

11/30/2011 2424 Link Route profiles from HDMapper
11/30/2011 2423 Point Elevation Values from a File
10/31/2011 2419 Show computed range for Tile studies
10/31/2011 2417 Save/Load Mobile Facility List in TalkBack Setup
10/31/2011 2416 Data Transfer function (XLS, CSV to DBF)
9/30/2011 2412

Path Loss value in AutoPath Summary Spreadsheet

7/31/2011 2404

Improved Archive/Retrieve Task function
Added Task Merge function

5/31/2011 2393

Fill or Symbol option for mapping Composite studies

4/30/2011 2384

Export dBm values to Shapefile

3/31/2011 2376

Transparent Background in Google Earth

2/28/2011 2376

Drawing Circle Segments in HDMapper

1/31/2011 2367

Remote antenna pattern for D/U study

12/31/2010 2365 Composite study for D/U ratio
12/02/2010 2363 HDAntenna - allow elevation pattern to sort in descending order (positive values above the horizon, negative values below)
10/31/2010 2361 HDMapper - Select coverage parameters to print, identify multiple coverages
9/30/2010 2357 HDMapper - Zoom to show all coverage layers
9/30/2010 2355 Moving TAP work files to new machine with different directory structure
7/31/2010 2347 HDAutoCoverage - add checkbox for Silent operation
6/30/2010 2342 HDPath - improved Google Earth export
6/30/2010 2340 HDCoverage - allow studies to run in silent mode
5/31/2010 2340 HDPath - display Antenna Elevation values MSL as well as AGL
4/30/2010 2338 HDPath - set profile label font size
2/28/2010 2334 HDPath - set Fixed Facility antenna orientation and tilt from path specs
1/31/2010 2331 HDMapper - include description text when adding Fixed Facility or coverage TX
1/31/2010 2330 HDMapper - Image Viewer to create image "world files"
1/31/2010 2330 HDMapper - Google Earth option to automate "Coverage Only" option
12/31/2009 2329 HDCoverage - show previous computed coverage in map
9/30/2009 2324 Fixed Facility to AutoPath; add Edit button
9/30/2009 2323 Radial Study Task to AutoPath
9/30/2009 2320 Export coverage by field strength range
8/31/2009 2319 Restore Topo Elevation Index files
7/31/2009 2314 HDMapper Google Earth ZIP option
6/30/2009 2312 HDPath Range Filter Option
5/31/2009 2309 HDMapper Refresh Option
5/31/2009 2309 TAP6 Menu; show Task info with right-click on maps list
5/31/2009 2309 HDSpectrum; Copy study option
3/31/2009 2296 HDMapper RouteMap layer
3/31/2009 2296 Load coverage Task Re-Calc Tasks for editing
3/31/2009 2291 Save Layer Lists for HDMapper
1/31/2009 2289 HDPath option to open AutoPath data file
11/30/2008 2269 AutoPath add option to save image as JPG
11/30/2008 2268 Utility for SafeHarbor calculations
9/30/2008 2259 Export path LOS and Fresnel to Google Earth
9/30/2008 2258 Print Fixed Facility information
8/31/2008 2257 HDPath; plot space diversity antenna LOS and Fresnel on a profile
8/31/2008 2255 HDPath; plot multiple earth curvature values on a profile
8/31/2008 2252 HDAntenna; option to plot pattern as dB down from major lobe
7/31/2008 2249 HDPath; export path JPG from menu
7/31/2008 2244 HDMapper; toggle between dBm plot and dBu plot
7/31/2008 2242 HDPath, HDMapper Print Preview; Export JPG format image file
6/30/2008 2240 HDPath; draw profile with command line arguments
6/30/2008 2239 HDPath; eliminate blank fields on printed profile
4/30/2008 2236 HDPath; Configuration option draw Line of  Sight for 0AGL antennas
4/30/2008 2236 HDMapper; show Fixed Facility locations in bounded area
4/30/2008 2234 HDMapper; set 10dB steps to plot dBm power levels
4/30/2008 2234 HDCoverage; select field strength level template for plotting coverage map
4/30/2008 2233 TAP6; add improved support for high resolution and multiple monitor configurations
4/30/2008 2231 Composite Coverage; Minimum Field value; double-click to open Mobile Database to lookup value
3/31/2008 2227 TAP6 menu, Recent Coverage Study list; right-click menu to run Task without loading HDCoverage
3/31/2008 2227 Add AutoPath image file output options for EMF, WMF files
2/28/2008 2225 Add circle and square shapes using ShapeMaker
2/28/2008 2219 Set multiple layers as visible or invisible in HDMapper
2/28/2008 2219 Copy and paste properties from one map layer to another
2/28/2008 2218 Display multiple signal levels on a plot of a Composite coverage study
2/28/2008 2216 AutoPath: create BMP image file of path profile
2/28/2008 2215 HDPath Microwave Link Budget, add Frequency Diversity on report
2/28/2008 2213 HDPath "Long Path" suppress warning for repeated paths
2/28/2008 2213

HDPath Zoom Rectangle

2/28/2008 2213 HDPath Set Horizontal Scale
1/31/2008 2210 HDPath show "Additional Clearance" in Mouse Location Window (clearance between Fresnel and topography
1/31/2008 2210 HDPath; show dBm computed for dBu on field calculations
1/31/2008 2210 Import sample AutoPath comma-delimited file template
1/31/2008 2210 Antenna Editor; display antenna thumbnails on row up-down selection
1/31/2008 2210 HDMapper; popup menu for adding TX site for coverage study
1/31/2008 2210 HDMapper; edit symbols to use for map points
12/07/2007 2205 Composite study; component study selection search for string
12/07/2007 2203 Global Land Cover data in TAP
12/07/2007 2203 HDMapper; show Land Use data values on map
12/07/2007 2203 HDMapper; show locations of indexed topo data files on map
11/13/2007 2202 Composite Coverage:
Define area based on limits of component areas
Right-Click component Task to display summary of study
Shift-click to select range of component Tasks
10/26/2007 2201 HDSpectrum for Intermod Studies
9/30/2007 2191 Show recent intermod studies in TAP6 Menu lists
8/31/2007 2184 Create ASCII grid file from coverage study field strength values
8/31/2007 2184 NADCON conversion for additional coordinate systems
8/31/2007 2182 Create import templates for Fixed Facility, Surface Features, Intermod
8/31/2007 2177 Topo Utilities: create 0-elevation files for missing offshore data
7/31/2007 2177 HDPath Microwave link show Space Diversity percent reliability
7/31/2007 2176 HDPath Microwave link warning for obstructed path
6/30/2007 2175 Import measured field strength data
6/30/2007 2174 HDMapper; added ShapeMaker for creating shapefiles
6/30/2007 2174 Allow decimal step for radials for better resolution
6/30/2007 2173 Improved single point elevation user interface
Improved distance & bearing user interface
5/31/2007 2173 Option in Area Grid program to autodraw elevation shapefile
5/31/2007 2167 HDPath; option to expand on print for better resolution profiles
4/30/2007 2167 HDPath; plot multiple Fresnel zones on profile
4/30/2007 2166 HDPath; list last 5 saved profiles in File menu
4/30/2007 2165 HDCoverage; list last 5 coverage studies in File menu
4/30/2007 2164 HDMapper; list last 5 maps opened in File menu
4/30/2007 2163 Export HDMapper coverage map to Google Earth
3/31/2007 2161 Compute reliability and outage times for digital microwave using Composite Fade Margin values
2/28/2007 2154 Create color gradient and level range steps in HDMapper
2/28/2007 2153 Show topographic elevation values in HDMapper
2/28/2007 2152 Create Area Elevation Grid file in TAP6
2/28/2007 2150 Import Surface Features from Excel files in TAP6
1/31/2007 2149 HDPath; Edit path elevation values
Fixed Facility Interface; on reconnecting to database, return to previous record
1/31/2007 2148 Microwave QuickLink in TAP6 Path Menu
1/31/2007 2148 Microwave Parabolic Gain calculation in Fixed Facility Interface
1/31/2007 2145 HDCoverage; add layer to map for selecting bounded Tile area
1/31/2007 2144 HDPath Link Budget; Print menu option to print text file of Link information
1/31/2007 2141 HDPath; draw path by entering azimuth and distance
Fixed Facility Interface; add search function for ID or Description
9/30/2006 2105 Composite study save and open Tasks
9/30/2006 2103 HDPath mouse cursor info; show Fresnel ratio
8/31/2006 2100 HDMapper; add layer for  Composite study by Task
8/31/2006 2098 HDPath mouse cursor info; show LOS elevation and path clearance
5/31/2006 2083 Fixed Facility Section Configuration - select which sections you want to display
5/31/2006 2080 Data Summation List function
4/30/2006 2077 Display Surface Feature height at mouse location in HDPath
4/30/2006 2073 Display coverage area in HDCoverage setup map
4/30/2006 2073 Draw path preview from fixed facility in HDCoverage
2/28/2006 2059 Export grid and image files from HDMapper for 3DDisplay
2/28/2006 2059 Compute field at the end of the path in HDPath.
2/28/2006 2059 Compute coverage percentages for tile studies.
1/31/2006 2053 Mobile Facilities; add Filter, Import, Export functions
1/31/2006 2050 HDMapper; option to show Fixed Facility Locations
11/30/2005 2022 HDPath; write to DXF file format
11/30/2005 2022 HDMapper; add layers by folder (all shapefiles in selected folder)
10/31/2005 2018 HDPath option for user-specified vertical scale on profile
10/31/2005 2017 HDMapper; open old Task, create shapefile for HDMapper
10/31/2005 2006 TAP6 Surface Feature Editor; add button to draw obstructions on path
8/31/2005 2000 TAP6, including:

TAP6 Quick Tour

TAP6 Tutorial Manual


TAP 5 Features

8/31/2005 1072 HDMapper; save layer visible status
8/31/2005 1069 Composite Study speed improvement
7/31/2005 1066 HDMapper; undo last zoom button;
HDMapper; Data Summation, add All/None buttons
5/31/2005 1057 Topo Utilities; Convert USGS DEM files to .BIL format
4/30/2005 1056 HDMapper BMP Export includes BPW world file; HDMapper BMP Viewer
3/31/2005 1044 HDPath Profile function
3/31/2005 1043 HDMapper Path Preview function
2/28/2005 1047 Custom path for writing TAP 5 Mapping Shapefiles
2/28/2005 1043 Update Fixed Facility  site elevation values from new topo data files.
12/31/2004 1038 Add latitude-longitude tic marks on HDMapper
12/31/2004 1038 AutoCoverage module import function to add TAP Tasks to AutoCoverage input file
11/30/2004 1035 Cascade population counts for multiple coverage contours or other polygons
11/30/2004 1031 Improved HDMapper default layers function, including the use of custom shapefiles
11/30/2004 1030 Census block-centroid population counts for TAP coverage studies; generalized data summation function for other demographic information
8/31/2004 1028 Write Aggregate Coverage study to shapefile
10/31/2004 1026 Antenna Editor - save sequential azimuth start, stop, step value defaults
8/31/2004 1023 Contour Interpolation - add double-click to open Mobile Facility database for contour required field value
8/31/2004 1023 Composite Study - add test for same grid to speed up study as Congruent Composite Study



HDMapper default shapefiles for non-US areas



HDMapper Map Packager



TAP5 Talkback Calculations



BNA to Shapefile conversion

5/31/2004 982

TAP 5 HDMapper plotting

4/30/2004 978

Updated antenna library files.

Improved antenna lookup function, including sorting by frequency or gain..

3/22/2004 974 Draw elevation data file locations from data index.
3/22/2004 973 Improved layer drawing control on Map Window.
1/31/2004 962 Use "Flag" fields in Fixed Facility database for organizing and filtering records.
1/31/2004 959 Create and apply database filters to Fixed Facility lookup and editing to select only desired records from large number of database records.  This is especially helpful when a large number of records have been imported using the File Exchange Formatted or Percon  Import functions (see Release 913 below).
1/31/2004 959 Import ShapeFiles (.SHP) into .BNA boundary format for use with TAP Map Window
12/31/2003 953 Site elevation interpolation speed improved, especially when index contains a large number of files.  For example, with 20,000 indexed files the site elevation lookup improved from 80 seconds to less than 5 seconds.
11/11/2003 941 Draw data file locations from topo file index.
10/31/2003 936 Add All/None buttons for selecting data types to use
10/31/2003 934 Add Fixed Facility and Location lookup buttons in Map Window Field Preview
10/31/2003 930 Add 3DDisplay module
10/31/2003 926 TalkBack System Margin function in the Utilities menu.  This function enables the user to enter or compute transmitter power and receiver required field information to determine the level to use for plotting TalkBack coverage maps.
10/10/2003 925 Map Window "Add Object" to BNA button.  This allows the user to draw a closed area shape on a map with the mouse, then save that shape to a .BNA boundary file, either creating a new file or appending the object to an existing .BNA file.
9/9/2003 923 Added topo data index trim function.  This allows the user to remove unneeded records from the index.
9/9/2003 923 Improved TopoScript data indexing for large numbers of files.  For example, indexing approximately 20,000 files with the earlier method took over two hours.  The new method on the same machine with the same files took just over 15 minutes.
9/9/2003 923 New Fixed Facility site elevation lookup button.  This gives the user more control over the "interpolated" function for getting the site elevation from topographic data files, and eliminates the delay for interpolated sites when scrolling through the Fixed Facility data records.
6/15/2003 913

Export TAP Coverage studies to ShapeFile format  ShapeFiles can then be imported into several other mapping software packages.

Import File Exchange Formatted  FCC data into the TAP Fixed Facility Database.

Import File Exchange Formatted  FCC data into TAP Intermod studies.

Import File Exchange formatted  FCC data into TAP AutoPath database.

AutoPath data all/none buttons for setting Print/Save functions for all paths in the database.



Intermod Frequency Report in the Intermod Setup program now generates the ASCII file in a more usable format. The report is in the same sorted order as the intermod data displayed on the screen, and the TX and RX information are printed together instead of in separate lists.



AutoPath provides a "selective print" option. AutoPath was originally designed with the idea of plotting and printing hundreds of path profiles without user intervention. The Selective Print option enables you to decide on a case by case basis which profiles will be printed. As each profile is displayed on the screen, you will be prompted whether or not to print that profile. If you leave the "Selective Print" option turned off AutoPath still prints all the profiles as in earlier versions.



Advanced Radial coverage setup optimized for large number of radials. For example, a radial study to thousands of points using the "End Only" option now takes a fraction of the time to load and save from the Area Coverage Setup form.



Coverage maps for Aggregate Coverage studies can now include colors for multiple field strength levels. Earlier versions only supported "Single Level" plots for Aggregate Coverage studies.



Surface Feature files with large number of obstructions are now handled more efficiently



Antenna pattern files in the PlanetÔ format (available from many different antenna manufacturers’ web sites) can be imported into TAP antenna libraries for use in coverage studies and link budgets.



The Aggregate Coverage module now includes the Composite Study option.  A Composite Study provides a more flexible version of the Aggregate Coverage study for multiple transmitter locations. The Aggregate Study requires all of the individual studies be performed over exactly the same area at exactly the same points, and only for Tile studies. The Composite study enables you to use tile and/or radial studies by defining an independent grid you want to use for points to compare the closest computed location from each of the other studies. You can use the Composite study to compute the Maximum or Best Server studies.



A completely re-written editor for TAP antenna libraries, featuring a simplified user-interface, plus the ability to import antenna patterns from ASCII files, and to export to an ASCII file.



The TopoScriptÔ data retrieval engine is a new approach for using topographic elevation data in TAP for drawing path profiles, coverage studies, etc. Not only is TopoScript faster for most studies using "native" (30-meter, 3-second, 30-second .DTA) files, but other data sources can also be read, such as USGS National Elevation Dataset (NED) 1-second files, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) files, DMA DTED files, etc.



You can now add an image file (.BMP, .JPG, .TIF) of a map as a background for your coverage maps. You can use a scanned image or other graphic file and plot the boundary files and coverage information from TAP on the map



The Utilities menu now includes a program for computing free-space field and loss values.



The Area Coverage setup form now displays the approximate number of points to be computed in an area coverage study. This is useful for estimating the size of the study, the time it will take to run (based on your experience using TAP on your particular hardware configuration, etc.) The display can also be useful for spotting errors in your setup. For example, if you are setting up a small study and the display shows that millions of points will be computed, you may need to change the distance between points from the inadvertent value of every half meter to the intended every half mile!



The TAP Results Database (Rxxxxxxx.DBF) file, used to store the results of area coverage studies, now includes Land Use classification and loss information for each point, if the Land Use information was used in the study. This is useful for importing TAP results into other mapping software if you want to show the Land Use information on the map.

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