Customized Mapping Folder Location

Q: How can I locate my TAP 5 mapping files on a different hard drive where I have more available disk space?

A: For TAP 5.0.1047 systems with a Maintenance Subscription date of February 28, 2005, or later, you can specify a customized path for the MAPPING  folder.

The Shapefile maps  used with HDMapper in TAP 5 and later are by default saved in the "MAPPING\MAP FILES" folder below the folder where TAP is installed, typically:


To specify a different folder or drive, follow these steps:

  1. If TAP is running on your system, exit from TAP.
  2. Use Windows Notepad to create a text-only file in the folder where TAP is installed. The name of the file must be SWTAP32.INI.  If the file already exists, you can use Notepad to edit that file. If the file does not exist, run Notepad, then use the SaveAs function to save the file to that name.
  3. The file must contain the following lines:

    MappingFolder = D:\MyMaps


  4. If the [CONFIG] line already exists in the file, just put the "MappingFolder =" line immediately after it.  If no [CONFIG] line is found in the file, add one.
  5. This example shows a path on the D: disk drive, with the name MyMaps. If you want to specify a different drive letter or path name, use your own information here.
  6. When the entry has been made to the SWTAP32.INI file, the next time you run TAP and create a coverage study with the TAP5 HDMapper format, the files will be written in folders under the MyMap folder.

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