Distance and Bearing Calculations

Q:  How can I compute the distance and bearing between to sites? 
How can I compute the coordinates at a given distance and bearing from my site?

A:  The Distance and Bearing function enables you to enter the coordinates for two sites and compute the distance and bearing (or azimuth) between the sites, as well as the reverse azimuth.  You can also enter one site and a distance and bearing to compute the coordinates of the end point of the path.

Note that all values in this example are for demonstration purposes only.  You should determine appropriate settings for your application.

This article describes the function in TAP6.0.2173 or later and a Maintenance Subscription date of June 30, 2007, or later.  Earlier versions use a similar function but the user-interface is different.

The function is launched from the “Map|Distance & Bearing” menu:

The Distance & Bearing form is displayed:

The form may contain values computed from calculations in a previous session.

If desired, you can use the Clear List button (or menu) to clear the computed values in the list at the bottom of the form:

You can enter coordinates manually:

Use the Lookup (“…”) button to set the coordinate datum:

For example, to specify WGS-84 coordinates, be sure the Group selected is “Latitude/Longitude (LL)”, and the Coordinate System is “LL84”

The coordinate system description will be displayed:





When changes are made to the coordinates, the path distance and bearing are computed automatically, and the results displayed in the list:

Instead of entering the coordinates manually, you can use the Fixed Facility Lookup button for either site:

Select the facility record you want from the Fixed Facility Interface:

Click the Continue button to return the Facility information to the Distance & Bearing form:

(Click the Cancel button if you want to return to the Distance & Bearing form without returning the Facility information.)

The coordinates are returned to the Distance & Bearing form and the computed results are displayed in the list near the bottom of the form.

You can also enter a distance value to compute the coordinates for the “Ending Site”

When the mouse cursor is moved out of the data entry box, the new coordinates are computed and displayed:

Similarly, you can change the Azimuth value to recomputed the end point coordinates:

The Site Lookup buttons can be used to find the coordinates from the Fixed Facility data base:

The Compute button can be used to compute the Ending Site coordinates, for example if you use the Clear List button and want to re-compute using the current sites:

The Reverse Sites button can be used to exchange the Starting and Ending sites:

The Print List button (or the Print menu) enables you to print the list from the form:

The list will be displayed in a Notepad file that can be saved, printed, edited, etc.

The Copy List to Clipboard button (or the Clipboard menu) enables you to place the list on the Windows Clipboard.  That list can then be pasted into other applications, typically using the Edit|Paste function:

The Clear List button (or menu) enables you to clear the entries from the list:


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