Google Earth™ Options

Q:  Can I create a .KML file without launching Google Earth?
Can I automatically ZIP the files together?
Can I make the TAP coverage background transparent?

A:  With TAP6.0.2314 or later and a Maintenance Subscription date of July 31, 2009, or later, you have additional options using the Google Earth export function in TAP to automatically launch Google Earth after the KML file is created. 

With TAP6.0.2314 or later and a Maintenance Subscription date of July 31, 2009, or later, you have additional options using the Google Earth export function in TAP to automatically ZIP together the KML file and related files. 

With TAP6.0.2330 or later and a Maintenance Subscription date of December 31, 2009, or later, you have additional options using the Google Earth export function in TAP to send only the coverage layers to Google Earth.. 

With TAP6.0.2376 or later and a Maintenance Subscription date of March 31, 2011, or later, you have additional options using the Google Earth export function in TAP for making the background transparent in the TAP image sent with the KML file..

Note that all values in this example are for demonstration purposes only.  You should determine appropriate settings for your application.

For example, suppose you are creating .KML files on a machine without Google Earth installed, and you want to email the files to another location.

Click the Configuration menu in HDMapper, then click the Google Earth item.  The check marks in the sub-menu items can be  toggled on or off by clicking the item.


If the “ZIP Completed Files” item is checked, the three related files (.KML, .BMP, .BPW; OR .KML, .PNG, .PGW) will be zipped together, using the same file name and the .ZIP extent.

If the “Launch Google Earth with KML” item is checked (the default setting), TAP will try to launch Google Earth automatically after the KML file is created.  If the item is not checked the KML file will be created, but Google Earth will not be launched.

The "Coverage Layers Only" option automatically hides all other layers (except coverage layers) when exporting to Google Earth.  This may be helpful to avoid unneeded clutter on the Google Earth image.  (The option is also available to manually hide other layers in the Legend menu of HDMapper.)

The "Write Graphic as PNG File" option causes the image file for the map to be written as a .PNG file (with a transparent background) instead of the default .BMP file.


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