HDMapper Overview

Q: How do I use HDMapper?

A: HDMapper is available to TAP 5 users with TAP version 4.5.982 or higher with a Maintenance Subscription date of May 31, 2004, or later.

HDMapper is a high definition mapping addition to the Terrain Analysis Package (TAP)™ software. HDMapper plots the ESRI ShapeFile format, the industry standard for mapping. In addition to the general mapping functions available with ShapeFile plots, HDMapper includes specialized capabilities for plotting RF coverage studies computed in TAP.

HDMapper is completely compatible with TAP4 coverage studies but provides significant benefits.  The plotting methods are compared in another article.

The starting place for using HDMapper is the toolbar is shown at the top of the form:

The functions provided through the toolbar and other features of HDMapper are described below:

The Overview

How do I run a TAP coverage study so the results can be plotted with HDMapper?

Can I use the TAP 5 HDMapper to draw maps of coverage studies computed with TAP 4?

The Details


How do I change the view of the map?

How do I add layers to the map?

  How do I add all the layers from a folder on my hard disk?
  How do I make a layer invisible on the map?
  How do I remove a layer from the map?

How do I change the layer order on the map?


How do I change colors or value settings on the map?


How do I set colors for field strength levels on coverage maps?

How can I save my settings for field strength levels in HDMapper?


How do I save and re-open a map with HDMapper?

How do I export a map to a .BMP file?

  How do I export a map to Google Earth™?

How do I copy a map to the Windows Clipboard?


How do I get information about the objects on the map?

How do I add text to the map?

  How do I edit or move text on the map?

How do I add labels to the map?

How do I calculate distance on the map?

How do I print the map?

How do I mark locations on the map in HDMapper?

How do I change the color or size of a symbol I have added in HDMapper?


How can I use the BNA files I have in TAP with HDMapper?


How can I set the default layers when coverage maps are created?


How can I plot TalkBack coverage with HDMapper?

How can I archive all the files needed for a map, or send a map to another HDMapper user?
  How do I adjust the legend size on the printed copy from HDMapper?

Can I draw a scale on a map in HDMapper?


How can I draw a profile of a path between two points on an HDMapper map?



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