HDPath™ Scale Values

Q:  How can I set the elevation and distance scales for a path profile in HDPath?

A:  With TAP6.0.2018 or later and a Maintenance Subscription date of March 31, 2005, or later, you can you can set the vertical (elevation) scale in HDPath.

      With TAP6.0.2213 or later and a Maintenance Subscription date of February 29, 2008, or later, you can set both the horizontal (distance) and the vertical (elevation) axis scales.

Note that all values in this example are for demonstration purposes only.  You should determine appropriate settings for your application.

When you draw a profile in HDPath, the horizontal (distance) axis is scaled for the length of the path between the two sites you have specified.  The vertical (elevation) axis is scaled for the topography encountered along the path.  The default scaling is assigned automatically by HDPath.

You can also change the scaling using the Zoom Rectangle function.

For example, if you have a profile drawn and you want to change the Vertical Scale, click the scale button on the toolbar of HDPath:

The “Profile Vertical Scale” form will be displayed (with later versions of TAP, the “Profile Horizontal Scale” form is displayed first.)


Set the minimum, maximum, and step values you want to assign to the vertical scale:

When you click the Continue button, the new scale values are applied:

This function can be especially useful if you want compare two different path profiles using the same vertical scale:

Set Horizontal Scale

Later versions of TAP include the ability to scale the horizontal (distance) scale as well.  With that feature, when you click the “Profile Scale” button on the toolbar, the Profile Horizontal Scale form is displayed:

Enter the range of distance values you want to see on the profile:

When you click the Continue button on the “Profile Horizontal Scale” form, the “Profile Vertical Scale” form is displayed:

The default elevation settings on the Profile Vertical Scale form represent the range of elevations (including the line of sight) for the distance range that was specified:

You can set new elevation values, or accept the default settings and click the Continue button:

The “Set Profile Scales” button remains depressed to maintain the limits of distance and elevation.  You can return to the full profile display by clicking the button again:


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