Please click the following link for an overview of the fundamentals of Passive Repeater Engineering.
Finding, Solving, and Preventing Intermodulation Products
Symptoms of Intermodulation Problems Simply put, actually too simply put, intermodulation (IM) products are interference. They are undesired interference to a desired signal from a destructive combination of transmitted signals typically where a desired signal must be received. IM products are almost always intermittent because the transmitted signals, which combine to produce the IM, are […]
Video: TAP 7 Basic Introduction
The video provides a 12 minute introduction to TAP 7. Key topics include project-based organization, adding path and coverage studies to a project, and viewing coverage study results in TAP Mapper.
How Can I Conduct Intersecting Contour Analysis with TAP™ Mapper?
Intersecting Contours provides a tool for the summation of point data from point-type shapefiles over geographical areas covered by a set of intersecting polygon-type shapefiles. The most common Intersecting Contours usage is for conducting population counts wherein the population covered by the intersection of two sets of contour studies is calculated by summing the population […]
How Can I Conduct Population Count and Other Data Analysis in TAP™ Mapper?
TAP™ Mapper Data Summation analysis is the summation of point data from point-type shapefiles over geographical areas covered by polygon-type shapefiles. The most common Data Summation usage is for conducting population counts wherein the population covered by a tile-type area coverage study is calculated by adding up the population residing within the areas covered by […]
Things to do in Louisville
Things to do in Louisville For those that are coming to Louisville for training in September 2016, here are some local options to consider in town (as compiled by our Louisville resident). Downtown Food – Obviously, there are a lot of food options downtown. Wild Eggs is my favorite breakfast place in town, and they […]
How can I run a Target Study using equidistant points along a selected shape file feature?
Feature Targets are a way to generate points for target studies. It allows the user to select map features (e.g., roads, railroads, pipelines, or power lines) and then generates evenly-spaced target points along that feature (or feature boundary for polygons). See the built-in TAP software help documentation for step-by-step instructions to add shapefile data to […]
Can I use TAP 6 to study / analyze the area coverage statistics of P25 systems?
Yes, TAP can be used to design, study, and analyze P25 systems. Note that this example is for illustrative purposes only. Use the system configuration information and RF settings appropriate for your system and your RF environment. The objective of Project 25 (P25) is an evolving, open digital radio standard for public safety that enables interoperability […]
How do I uninstall TAP?
TAP is installed as a standard Windows program with an associated uninstaller. If you are using a version of Windows with a traditional Windows start menu then you can simply browse to the Terrain Analysis Program folder and run the uninstaller as shown below: If using Win 8 or later then simply right-click on the […]
Can I Compute Coverage and Coverage Statistics for a Specific Municipality / County?
It is common, especially for public-safety communication applications, for TAP™ users to want to compute the RF field strength coverage and coverage statistics for specific municipal areas, such as a U.S. county. Fortunately, this is straightforward in TAP™ by creating a “Bounded Tile Study”. Municipal boundaries are typically available via shapefiles that may be obtain […]