SoftWright sells its customers a license to use the latest release of TAP™ at the time of purchase in perpetuity plus one year of maintenance included. However, many SoftWright customers choose to purchase a TAP™ Maintenance Subscription. The annual maintenance subscription plan for TAP™ software allows subscribers to take advantage of new software enhancements as soon as they are released by downloading the current Maintenance Release from our web site. All enhancements added to the software during the one year period of the Maintenance Subscription will automatically be enabled. Some basemaps and other features that use data from online sources are limited to users with active maintenance subscriptions because the online sources meter the application usage.
The Maintenance Subscription may be purchased any time within five years following the initial license purchase. As an added benefit, two hours of technical support time are provided with a Maintenance Subscription in order to facilitate learning about all of the new features and functionality of TAP™. The price of the Maintenance Subscription is calculated as 20% of the individual purchase price of licensed modules. You can view the maintenance features added in recent releases by visiting this FAQ.
For more information or to receive a maintenance subscription quote for your TAP™ license, please contact