TopoScript Data ReIndex

Q: How can I remove some old data files from in my topo data index?

A: The ReIndex button on the "Index Topographic Data Files" form enables you to delete the current data index and create a new one.

(If you want information on restoring previous index files that were removed with the ReIndex function, see the FAQ on Restoring Topographic Index Files.)

(If you want to remove unused or seldom used data files from the index based on geographic areas, see the FAQ on TopoScript Data Index Trim.)

If there are topographic elevation data files you no longer want to use (such as 3-second or 30-meter data if you have purchased the USGS 1-second NED data), you can use the ReIndex function. You can always go back and add files back into the index later if you change your mind.

The TopoScript data retrieval engine will be slower if the index is inflated with lots of data files. Eliminating unneeded files from the index will usually improve the performance of the software.

The index functions are found in the Configuration menu. 

If you are using TAP6 or later, select Topo Data from the Configuration menu:

If you are using earlier versions of TAP, select Configuration and click Topographic Data:

The Index Topographic Data Files form is displayed.

Click the ReIndex Topo Data Files button:

You will be prompted to confirm the fact that you want to delete the index and create a new one:

Click the Yes button if you want to proceed.

The program will read the existing index to get a list of indexed folders.

Then you will be prompted for each of the folders that had previously been included in the index:

(This makes it easier to go back and ReIndex the files you want to keep in the index.)

When the folder(s) with the files you want to remove are displayed, click the No button.

When the folder(s) with the files you want to keep are displayed, click the Yes button.

After the ReIndex function has finished, you can also use the normal Browse Folder button to add other files to the index.

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