No Version Information for Update

Q: I downloaded the current maintenance release from your web site to update my TAP software, but during the installation I got a warning about "No version information available." What is the problem?

A: That red form comes up if you are installing the update into a folder that doesn't already have TAP installed in it. It looks for the SWTAP32.EXE file and if it can't find it or the file is corrupted, that warning comes up.

During the UPDATE.EXE installation you will see a brief message that the setup program is checking for the current installation:

If the correct version information is found, the setup will continue.

If the correct version information is not found, the warning message will be displayed:

If you install the update on a machine that does not already have TAP installed, the installation will be incomplete, since the update only contains parts of TAP that change. The complete installation (from any recent CD from us, or the CD_DEMO.exe download from our ftp site) puts all the static parts of TAP on the machine. Then UPDATE.exe can just install the modified parts for new features, etc.

The other possible reason you would see that red warning form is if you are trying to install the update on a machine where TAP is installed, but in the wrong folder (not where it already can find the TAP files). If there are multiple copies of TAP in different folders on a machine, the Windows Registry gets confused about which version of which file to run, and it tends to mix things up between different versions of different parts of TAP.

Finally, if you try to install the update on a machine with a very old TAP installation (with a build number before 250, such as 4.0.117), the warning will be displayed, since some of the files that TAP needs will be obsolete. You need to install from a CD or the ftp demo download to update the complete installation.

Check the folder where you were trying to install the update to be sure that's where TAP is already installed. If none of my explanations seem to apply to you, let me know and we can dig a little deeper.

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